
RDA makes rainwater management plan compulsory for approval of projects

 RAWALPINDI: The Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) has made a proper rainwater management plan compulsory for approval of all real estate projects.

Real estate projects including commercial or residential projects, without rainwater management plan, will not be approved by the authority, informed Chairman RDA Tariq Mehmood Murtaza.

The initiative is aimed at introducing eco-friendly measures to utilise rainwater for rainwater harvesting, to tackle the issue of diminishing freshwater resources, becoming the second rainwater harvesting city in Punjab, the RDA Chairman said. The authority also announced to redirect collected rainwater for ablution, and the ablution water to be recycled into watering public parks.

The technical and financial assistance for this initiative will be provided by the UN.

In this regard, the authority has already initiated rainwater harvesting with the help of Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency. The agency extended funding of Rs50 million for the project.

After filtration, the harvested rainwater can be used for anything except human consumption.


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